Phrase(s): wash something down (with something)
1. to clean something by flooding with water, alcohol, etc. • The doctor washed the area down and began to stitch up the wound. • She washed down the wound with alcohol to clean it thoroughly. • Todd washed the driveway down with water. 2. Fig. to use fluid to aid the swallowing of food or medicine. • Molly washed the pills down with a gulp of coffee. • She washed down the pills with a glass of water., Phrase(s): wash something down something
to get rid of something by flooding it down the sewer, drain, sink, etc. • Wash all the soap suds down the drain and clean the sink, please. • Please wash all that stuff down the drain.
McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs
1. Clean by washing from top to bottom, as in He always washes down the walls before painting. [Second half of 1800s] 2. Drink a liquid after eating food or taking medicine, as in He washed down the pills with a glass of water. [c. 1600]
American Heritage Idioms